Fear Aggression in Dogs from Dr. Sophia Yin

Most dogs who bite, do so out of fear—a fear that develops commonly due to lack of socialization. What do you do if your dog’s fear has progressed to the point where he bites? Here’s my article with advice to clients’ questions and my tips for dealing with dogs that bite. Have you ever had […]

Tips for Preventing Dog Bites from Safe Hands Rescue!


This is an excellent article from Louisiana State regarding cat and dog bites.


This article from veterinary behaviorist Dr. Sophia Yin is an in-depth look into why dogs bite (it’s not about dominance!) and ways to help a dog learn to respond more appropriately to the things he finds scary.


It’s National Dog Bite Prevention Week! There are many things that you can do to avoid dog bites, ranging from properly training and socializing your pet to educating your children on how, or if, they should approach a dog. Information is one of the best cures for this public health crisis.


Here is the AVMA page on Dog Bite Prevention. The photo above is not directly from the AVMA but has some very common sense information. http://www.avma.org/public_health/dogbite/default.asp