Canine Influenza update

BREAKING NEWS: Cornell University issued a press release today that states that the ongoing canine influenza in the Chicago area is due to the H3N2 strain, not the H3N8 strain. This is the first identification of the H3N2 strain outside of Asia.

Midwest Canine Influenza outbreak caused by new strain of virus April […]

JoJo reminds me of Puss in boots

Purina Beneful dog food lawsuit!

More than 3,000 online complaints have been filed by dog-owners claiming Purina Petcare Beneful’s dry “kibble” variety is killing and hurting dogs, according to the class action lawsuit filed Feb. 5 in federal court.

The brand is still on store shelves in the Tri-State and has not been recalled.

This class action suit concerns […]

Happy Valentines Day from JoJo The Housecall Cat!!

Happy Valentine’s Day from JoJo, the best housecat a housecall vet could want!

Holiday plants – are they toxic to your pet?

Here is a great article from Pet Poison Helpline:

Deck the Halls with Holiday Plants – But Are They Toxic?

By Charlotte Flint, DVM Staff Veterinarian at Pet Poison Helpline

Christmas is a busy time of year for us at Pet Poison Helpline! Of course, we receive many calls about pets eating chocolate and […]

Keep your pet safe on the 4th of July !

Fireworks and animals do not mix. More pets go missing on the 4th of July then any other day of the year. PLEASE keep your pets safe! *Keep them home and keep them indoors. *Provide a safe place for them to go to if they get scared by the noise. *If you must […]

Fireworks Anxiety!

THE CANINE BEHAVIOR SERIES By Kathy Diamond Davis Author and Trainer


Fireworks Phobia


Fireworks can turn holidays such as the Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve into miserable nights for dogs. To some extent this fear is genetic, but it’s also learned. Dogs bred and trained to flush and […]

Grecian Foxglove Alert!

Grecian foxglove is toxic plant. It’s toxic to both humans and animals. Both the dried and fresh plant are toxic. Grecian foxglove is a MDA Prohibited Noxious Weed (Eradicate List) in Minnesota. In Minnesota it has been found primarily in Washington County in the vicinity of the St. Croix River along sunny to semi-shaded […]

Ice or ice water does NOT cause bloat in dogs!

There is erroneous information being forwarded online regarding FALSE dangers associated with offering dogs ice water. Our Emergency Medicine specialists confirm that offering dogs ice water is not only healthy, but an excellent way to help keep four-legged friends comfortable and cool during the dog days of summer. […]

Powassan Virus spread by ticks!

Another reason to use a good flea/tick prevention on yourself and your pets: The Powassan virus which is spread by ticks. The transfer is almost immediate (unlike Lyme disease which takes 24hrs for the tick to attach and then transmit the disease). Here is some information.

Powassan (POW) Virus Basics

Powassan (POW) virus is […]